General Principles of Recruiting

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  • General Principles of Recruiting
  1. It’s a year-round-effort. This is a task with no end. Every day of the year, a good
    recruiter is finding new prospects, screening, vetting, progressing applicants, and
    working hard to maintain strong relationships with current employee, past employees
    and networking individuals….even during a downturn when layoffs are eminent.
  2. Slow season = Time to get busy! When the company you recruit for is slowest is
    probably the best time to advertise for new applicants. If your company is slow, odds
    are others in your industry are as well. This is typically the best time to gather new
    applicant records. Also, make sure your friends and family know what you do! Don’t be
    afraid to use Social Media to gather applicants!
  3. You are in the people business. Compensation, safety and good working conditions
    are critical to recruiting and hiring quality workers but never undervalue the power of
    strong individual relationships. Taking a moment to ask a worker how their day is and
    how are things going goes further than we think.
  4. Be Positive! A positive attitude is contagious and will trickle through the workforce. It
    also makes it easy for workers to feel comfortable communicating with you. This alone
    may resolve a potential reason for someone quitting or help to correct a potential hazard
    on the job.
  5. Keep the Supply Chain Moving! Make sure you are always progressing the applicants
    and past employees through the supply chain and try to get each stage of the
    progression as balanced as possible. If you notice you have a lot of applicants in the “call
    in” progression but few in the pending category, put an emphasis on the phone vetting
    and interview steps to keep a steady flow of potential applicants to the “available”
  6. Be Proactive! There is a big job coming up next month that requires a substantial
    increase in workforce. Your database has the depth to support it but you cant progress
    enough workers to available by the start date on your own. Ask for help! Ask the
    company you recruit for or communicate the concern back to WX headquarters for some
    temporary back up. We have been in your shoes and understand the value of someone
    just helping make some calls can have on your success.
  7. Details and Documentation! You will never remember every detail of every applicant,
    every worker, every job and every order. Use the tools we have to keep detailed notes
    on everything and everyone. It will pay dividends over the long term and will help
    eliminate mistakes, bad hires, bad fills and increase the likelihood of success.
  8. Do Not OVER-Value Resumes! In most blue-collar industries resumes are no more
    valuable than a simple application. Many excellent, qualified workers are not good at
    formatting a resume or they may be working elsewhere and not actively seeking a new
    position. These are some of the best potential applicants. NOTHING replaces calling and
    speaking to the applicant about his job history and experience.

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